External Data Links
This Page Contains Links to other bilateral databases provided by other researchers, as well as derived data created by ourselves.
De- Jure and De- Facto Bilateral Currency Regimes
De- Jure and De- Facto Bilateral Currency Regimes
by Phillip Harms (Mainz University) - here.
Investment Treaties (EDIT)
Investment Treaties (EDIT)
by Wolfgang Alschner (University of Ottawa), Manfred Elsig, and Rodrigo Polanco (University of Bern) - Download here.
From their database, we created a panel of dummy variables indicating the presence of a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and/or Other International Investment Agreement (OIIA). The panel covers 47,742 country dyads over 1945-2021. You can download it here.
Regional Trade Agreements
Regional Trade Agreements
by Mario Larch (University of Bayreuth), based on WTO data - here.