International Capital Taxation
The international capital taxation data can be downloaded here:
Comma-Separated Values (.csv)
Dataset Format:
Data type: cross-sectional.
Number of countries covered: 225.
Number of dyads: 50,625.
Variables included:
Composite Tax Rate on Capital (Statutory)
Composite Tax Rate on Equity Capital (Statutory)
Corporate Income Tax Rate (Statutory)
Withholding Tax Rate on Dividends (Treaty-Adjusted)
Withholding Tax Rate on Interest Income (Treaty-Adjusted)
Model-predicted Effective Tax Rate on Capital
Model-predicted Effective Tax Rate on Equity
Model-predicted Effective Withholding Tax Rate on Interest Income
We compile our dataset using information from several key sources:
OECD Tax Database
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Worldwide Tax Summaries
Tax Foundation's Corporate Tax Rates Around the World
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD)
Tax Treaty Explorer Database (
these datasets cover different sets of countries and types of taxes, and feature varying degrees of accuracy. Combining these various databases allows us to optimize both accuracy and coverage. Our collection exercise can be decomposed into collecting 3 different tax rates: Corporate Income Tax Rates; Non-Treaty Withholding Tax Rates; Treaty Withholding Tax Rates.
Treaty and Non-Treaty Rates WHT rates are combined and compared to obtain bilateral WHT rates. For domestic scenarios (same issuer and investor country), we apply resident rates. For cross-border scenarios, we use the non-resident rate if no Treaty rates are available (that is, if a tax treaty is not present). If a treaty rate is available, we use the lower of the applicable treaty rate and the non-resident rate.
Finally, all these different tax rates are combined, using the formulas detailed in Pellegrino, Spolaore and Wacziarg (2024), into a statutory tax rates on capital. We also provide estimates effective tax rates on equity and interest income, based our simple model of endogenous issuance.
It is important to clarify that these bilateral tax rates should be interpreted as “summary” rates: in reality the national tax codes as well as the tax treaties contain a multiplicity of provisions that multiply the number of applicable tax rates. In addition, this database is intended for research purposes and should not be used for business purposes. If you are seeking information on international taxation for business purposes, please leave this website and seek the advice of a professional tax consultant.